Ideal piano lesson for children who speak English as their first language.
Have fun with communicate in English and start playing piano!
ピアノ個人 (1レッスン30分)/Piano Private (30min./lesson)

導入からのレッスンでは英語の教材Music for Little Mozart(アルフレッド) を用いて、ピアノの基礎や練習の仕方、音楽の表現などについて、きめ細やかに学んでいきます。初級以降は、レパートリーの表現に重点を置きながら、テクニックや音楽の知識なども身につけていけるよう指導いたします。
For beginners following Music for little Mozart (Alfred Method), Enjoy playing and practicing piano just step by step. Making repertoire with good technique for advanced students.
レッスンスケジュール/Time Table
日曜日 月3回のレッスン(レッスン日程は事前に講師よりご連絡します)
Saturday afternoon 3 times a month (previous notice by the teacher)
お月謝/Lesson Fee
¥13,000/month(includes tax)
In case you take vacation for a month, you will please pay half the fee.
グループ(1レッスン45分)/Group (45min./lesson)

Planning to be started April 2020. You may enjoy singing English songs and listening to stories with music. Beneficial time for every child.
レッスンスケジュール(仮)/Tentative Schedule
日曜日 月3回のレッスン(レッスン日程は事前に講師よりご連絡します)
Sunday 3 times a month (previous notice by the teacher)
In case you take vacation for a month, you will please pay half the fee.
お月謝/Lesson Fee
¥10,000/month(includes tax)
田中伊知子/TANAKA, Ichiko

Began her musical training in piano at age five. Received her Bachelor of Music in Clarinet Performance in 1985 from Kyoto City University of Arts.
She started teaching piano since then and performing at many concert.
Lived with her 4 kids in Sydney, Melbourne and New York, she was distinguished for her personality and music skills around community.
Got back to Tokyo 2008 and now she represent Ange Musique (Musicians Community) in Tokyo Meguro.
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